Dialstream Robocalling Mitigation Policy

We are writing you to assist Dialstream Telcom Services and the Federal Communications Commission in stopping the flow of malicious robocalls originating from sources outside the United States. Combatting harmful and abusive Robocalls is one of the Commission’s top consumer protection priorities.   Unfortunately, many of the worst offenders originate overseas.  
Using “spoofed” and falsified numbers, foreign Robocallers often pose as American companies, and even the U.S. government, to deceive and defraud American consumers.  Congress recently addressed the importance of industry efforts to trace back such calls to their
origin in the Pallone-Thune Telephone Robocall Abuse Criminal Enforcement Deterrence Act (TRACED Act) by directing the Commission to register a consortium to conduct private-led efforts to trace back suspected unlawful robocalls. Congress also encouraged the Commission to
take appropriate enforcement actions for voice service providers that do not participate in private-led efforts to trace back the origin of suspected unlawful robocalls or that originate or terminate substantial amounts of unlawful robocalls. 
In order to comply with this order Dialstream Telcom Services is taking measures to prevent the flow of apparently illegal traffic originating outside the United States from traversing our network and will no longer offer USA origination and termination services to all internationally
based customers that do not have a registered valid 499a Filer ID on file  with the USAC/FCC.  We are implementing this requirement to ensure that the FCC can better track down the people responsible for illegal robocalling targeting US consumers.  We encourage our internationally
based carrier partners who operate legitimate operations and comply with all US Laws and Regulations and wish to purchase USA termination and origination services to register with the USAC to obtain their 499a’s. 
Furthermore, any USA based company that we detect is perpetuating, or, assisting these illegal robocalling operations targeting US based consumers will be advised of such illegal conduct and if actions are not taken to eliminate this illegal activity, we reserve the right to unilaterally
deactivate their service.   We would like to remind our partners that under the terms of most MSA’s, all parties agree not to use the services in a fraudulent manner and it is a violation of the terms of the agreement to do so and  therefore grounds for immediate termination of services.